Hello. My name is Klaus and I am born in 1953.
In September 2001, I was infected by the diving virus. So I made the PADI OWD in Hurghada, Egypt.
In the late autumn, I bought a diving equipment and started my "education" in our german seas
and digging holes at Angermund, Diez, Duisburg, Hemmoor, Leverkusen, Ratingen, as well as in
Den Osse and de Grone Hoevels in the Netherlands.
These are the steps of my further education:
2002: AOWD, RD, 2004: DM, 2005: IDC, IE. It was quit cold.
At the end of October 2005 I have the IE check
passed. Not that I thereof must life, but yet one
challenge, an additional foothold in the present time.
My house reef (the Red Sea) I am remained good.
Dahab, Hurghada and Safaga, I visit again.
2002 I started with underwater photography and mid-2004 I made
my first experiments with a video camera. My underwater equipment
is a Sony DSC PC120E with a Nimar housing and wideangleport.
The lighting is with two LED lamps. Each LED lamp with 3 LED has the luminosity according to a 40 Watt halogen lamp.
In autumn 2004, my wife has completed her OWD course.
So the Buddyquestion has been mitigated.